Monday, July 20, 2009

The Dreaded Tube sock Monster

This Is the Tube Sock Monster. The namesake of this blog. He is dreaded by all who know him, and has been known to eat lots of people and terrorize small villages. word on the street is the only way to kill a Tube Sock monster is to get his socks wet. then as they retreat to their caves to change their socks you must strangle its lungs with febreeze. whenever a tube sock monster takes off a tube sock it shrinks and turns into a monster tube sock, a small wormlike creature that feeds on the feet of unknowing people. eating more and more of the leg as it grows bigger and bigger. the only way to get a proper tube sock is to wash a monster tube sock in a powerful washing machine. Tube socks then are an expensive luxury in kingdoms neighboring the lair of the Tube Sock Monster.


  1. Sweet- nice work. I wonder who he stole all those socks from. they are all miss-matched
